Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ravings of an Alcoholic/Addict

well today I'm trying to stay sober, just like yesterday and the day before. This sucks I just want a handful of pills to get through the day. Sometimes I think that reality is highly over rated. I drink and do drugs to escape and yes i do acknowledge that I'm a drug addict and an alcoholic. but I function better when I'm just a little off. I guess that I have been doing it for so long that it seems normal. I have to learn to be normal again but I just wonder sometimes if I want to do this. I know the alternative is death but maybe that's what I slowly am working towards and wanting. My brain hurts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

been there, done that... lived in the clean house for three years.
TONEDOG666, other than "I want to feel different", why? Is it realy any better? I know "buzzed" feels fun, but is it? I feel no better after words, just as bad, and I have less time to deal with my problems that I was trying to run away from.